Thursday 24 February 2011


AmaroK is a soundsystem-independent audio-player for *nix. amaroK's interface uses a powerful "browser" metaphor that allows you to create playlists that make the most of your music collection. We have a fast development-cycle and super happy users. We also provide pensions and other employment benefits.

Easily the best media-player for Linux at the moment. Install it now!

· Quick and simple drag and drop playlist creation
· Music library (built-in sqlite or MySQL)
· Multiple backends supported (GStreamer, xine, NMM, MAS and aRts)
· 10 band equalizer
· Automatic cover art download using Amazon services
· The unique and powerful context browser
· Automatic play-statistics generation (iRate style)
· Full lyrics download
· Full Audioscrobbler support
· Visualisations with libvisual
· Streaming from any KIO source
· Crossfading
· Fully configurable OSD for track changes
· K3B (CD-burning) integration
· KDE integration

AmaroK 2.4.0 for Linnux

AmaroK 2.3.2


AmaroK 1.4.9


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