Wednesday 23 February 2011

Sublime Video

Sublime Video
There’s been a lot of hype over the power and potential of HTML5 and video. I’ve been keeping tabs on it and there are already a lot of great articles like this one about the how it could just change everything we do on the web.

And I think it will. For those who are not in the know HTML5 will allow us to manage a lot of what we do today on the web without plugins and dependencies (like Flash). It essentially unbinds the us to the burdensome systems (that we’re so used to…).

The potential of unleashing the power of the browser into the space of rich media makes me mouth water and it looks like video players such as SublimeVideo are going to take us there (make sure you have a very updated browser):

Seriously exciting. A number of big players like Youtube and Vimeo are already rolling out their features and versions of HTML5 capable players.

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