Sunday 20 February 2011


VLCM is an easy-to-use non-linear video edition program (Adobe Premiere style) that consumes very few resouces.

The interfae of the program is very comfortable and intuitive. start editing a video is as easy as drag and drop it in the timeline.

Once the video is in the timeline, any user used to this kind of programs will be able to edit it because it works like other similar programs like Premiere, Final Cut, etc.

Although the way we use it s very similar, the number of options available is a bit restricted compared to them. Remember it's still in alpha version and it's totally free.

VLCM is a very promising program. It's promising because even being in alpha verion, results and posibilities are really good and because the creators are the same of the versatile VLC.

VLMC 0.1.0

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