Thursday 24 February 2011

Micro DVD Player

Micro DVD Player
Play ripped DVD movies from CD or HDD as close to the original as possible, including as many features of the original DVD as possible and giving as much comfort as possible compared to original DVD viewing.

We call a DVD converted to MPEG4 Video+MP3 Audio, put together with the converted original menus/languages and written to CD(s) a "Micro DVD".

This program is no longer developed.

· Play Main Movie: The main movie may be any audio/video file type playable by the Windows Media Player (highly recommended is MPEG4 video and MP3 audio due to great quality at low filesizes).

· "Emulate" original DVD Navigation Menu: To get the look-and-feel as close to the DVD as possible, you can also rip the navigation menu of the DVD to video and still images and have MDVDP display it!

· Play Special Features: Often DVDs offer additional videos containing "making- of"s or similar background information. Those special feature videos can also be included and played by MDVDP, usually they are reachable through certain click-areas in the nav menu.

· Display Subtitles: An important feature, especially when you watch foreign language movies, are subtitles if you don't understand all of the dialog. Micro DVD Player can display your ripped subtitles.

· Play Multi Language: To make it all complete, MDVDP can even play multilanguage movies!

· High Comfort: To give you all the comfort you want when watching MDVDs, the player's user interface has a similar structure than that of the popular software DVD player tool PowerDVD. Most of PDVD's features are available, plus some more.

Micro DVD Player 1.2


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